Specialists in Local Exhaust Ventilation since 1980


DBS Certification
All P&J employees who visit your site are security cleared. They all have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) certificate and subscribe to the update service so the data is always current. DBS was previously known as Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).
A copy of their certificate is available for you to view, if that member of staff is scheduled to work on your site. We can email the individual certificate to you, together with the information needed to check the update service.
Scans of certificates are securely stored with P&J's staff records, accessible by authorised staff. Original certificates are in the possession of the individual employees.
Certificates can of course only show the data available at the time they were applied for, so once issued, they are immediately 'out of date' as any subsequent information is not recorded on them.
All P&J employees subscribe to the DBS update service, so P&J clients can be assured that the DBS information available to them is never 'out of date'.
Our employees have given consent for clients to access the government's online service to carry out free, instant status checks for an individual's DBS certificate to see if any new information has come to light since it's issue.
Are you entitled to carry out a status check?
You must be able to say 'yes' to the following questions before you carry out a status check. If you answer 'no' to any questions you cannot carry out a status check:
Do you have the applicant's permission?
​All P&J employees have given their consent for P&J clients to access this personal data
​Are you legally entitled to the same level of DBS certificate - standard or enhanced?
​Most P&J employees have an enhanced DBS certificate
​Is the DBS certificate for the right workforce - child, adult, both or other?
​All P&J employees who work on site have DBS certificate issued on the assumption that there may be both children and adults on those sites.
Please note that the individual employee will be able to see who has carried out a status check on their DBS certificate and when the status check was carried out.
Carrying out a status check is quick and simple
Go to the DBS Update Service - GOV.UK
Please enter your:
organisation name
Information required for DBS certificate being checked
Please enter the:
DBS certificate number
Surname of the DBS certificate holder
Date of birth of the DBS ceritificate holder
Legal Declaration
You will then be presented with the legal declaration:
'I confirm I have the authority of the individual to which this DBS certificate number relates to receive up-to-date information (within the meaning of section 116A) in relation to their criminal record DBS certificate for the purposes of asking an exempted question within the meaning of section 113A of the Police Act 1997; or in relation to their enhanced criminal record DBS certificate for the purposes of asking an exempted question for a prescribed purpose within the meaning of section 113B of the Police Act 1997.'
You must tick 'I agree with the legal declaration' check box to proceed.
You will be presented with the result of the check which you can print out and then store it safely and securely in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office employment practices code, the DBS code of practice and the Data Protection Act.
Interpreting status check results
When an organisation decides to carry out an online status check of a DBS certificate you will get one of the following results:
[1] This DBS certificate did not reveal any information and remains current as no further information has been identified since its issue.
This means that the DBS certificate when issued was blank (i.e. it did not reveal any information about the person) and no new information has been found since its issue; it can therefore be accepted as being still current and valid.
[2] This DBS certificate remains current as no further information has been identified since its issue.
This means that the DBS certificate revealed information about the person and no new information has been found since its issue; it can therefore be accepted as being still current and valid. You should review the data on the original DBS certificate.
[3] This DBS certificate is no longer current. Please apply for a new DBS check to get the most up-to-date information.
This means new information has come to light since the DBS certificate was issued. A new DBS check is required to see this new information.
[4] The details entered do not match those held on our system. Please check and try again.
This means either:
the individual has not subscribed to the update service; or
the DBS certificate has been removed from the update service; or
you have not entered the correct information.