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Specialists in Local Exhaust Ventilation | Operating across the UK 

It is a legal requirement for a detailed Retrospective Commissioning report to be carried out by a competent LEV Test Engineer following installation or changes to an existing system. If you did not obtain a commissioning report you can contact us to arrange a retrospective commissioning test report.


The report will include evidence of the effectiveness of control. 


It is essential that testing is carried out by qualified staff covered

by professional indemnity insurance for inspection and certification

of LEV, such as P&J, we are UKAS accredited for LEV Retrospective



The P&J LEV reports are comprehensive and comply in every respect

with the COSHH approved code of practice L5 and HSG 258.


A Retrospective Commissioning report is carried out after installation. It provides both qualitative and quantitative data following detailed performance checks and measurements that set the operating parameters at which control of the hazardous substances was assessed as effective. This assessment of control effectiveness and comparison with the agreed exposure benchmarks enables you to ensure that the system always remains at the intended operating performance and continues to protect your employees from exposure to the hazardous substance. 


Once the retrospective commissioning test is complete, you will receive the following two documents: 


 A logbook that includes:

  • schedules for regular checks and maintenance

  • records of checks, maintenance, replacements and repairs

  • checks that the LEV is being used in the right way and 

  • the name of the person making the checks

  • signs of wear and control failure to look out for.


A commissioning report that includes:

  • a statement whether or not the four key statutory obligations under COSHH are achieved:

    • the system is effectively controlling the hazardous substance

    • the system is in good condition

    • the system is clean

    • the system is being used correctly

  • diagrams and a description of the LEV

  • photographs

  • details of the LEV performance specification and whether or not this is being achieved

  • pressures and air velocities at stated test points

  • calculations made

  • written descriptions of commissioning, the tests made and the outcome 

  • air sampling results 

  • filter efficiences 

  • concentration of the contaminant in the cleaned air if returned to the workplace

  • a description of how operators were using the LEV and how they should by using the LEV so that it works effectively

  • a prioritised action plan detailing any improvements or best practice recommendations.

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