Is a Vacuum cleaner Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)?
No, a vacuum cleaner is not LEV when used for cleaning surfaces. Yes, a vacuum cleaner is LEV if it is connected to a portable machine or...
What are the causes of fire in Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)?
What dusts are explosible? The dust of many combustible materials in everyday use, such as coal, wood, grain, sugar, certain metals and...
Why can't I eat, drink or smoke in the workshop?
RISK OF INGESTION If employees do not follow a high standard of personal hygiene, or do not handle substances with care, solid materials...

What is Dust?
Dust - is a solid particulate with diameters of 0.1micron upwards, capable of temporary suspension in air. Dusts are usually derived from...

What Are The Recommended Duct Transport Velocities?
Recommended velocity ranges are shown below, they can vary with the specific qualities of the particle (size, dampness etc) and the duct...
I am self employed, do the COSHH regulations apply to me?
Yes. The CoSHH Regulations apply to the Self-Employed. Regulation 3 of the COSHH Regulations states that all of the COSHH Regulations...
Do the COSHH Regulations apply in Northern Ireland?
Yes, but the Northern Ireland Regulations have a different title. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations...
What Are The "Principles Of Good Practice" Defined In The COSHH Regulations?
It is a requirement of the COSHH Regulations 2002, as amended in 2004 that the following 8 principles of good practice are used. They...

How should Atex be applied to LEV filter units?
Employers must undertake a Risk Assessment and classify areas where hazardous explosive atmospheres may occur into zones. Only equipment...

Do I need to replace the explosion relief panel on my extraction unit?
You must replace the explosion relief panel on your extraction unit if it is of the bursting membrane type of explosion relief made from...